Alternate Dispute Resolution

The firm is at the leading edge of arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. With many potential remedies for disputes, the firm pursues the best solution for each client and each dispute.
The firm’s commitment to dispute resolution is built upon our four strengths: international arbitration, domestic arbitration, mediation and the other ADR services. Our lawyers move easily between traditional litigation, arbitration and alternate dispute resolution, matching our renowned courtroom capabilities with exceptional arbitration and mediation skills.
Arbitration continues to be dynamic and popular form of dispute resolution both internationally and locally. Read More…
The firm’s reputation in the courtroom and in arbitration has also positioned us as strong advocates in mediation. Our ability to resolve disputes in courtrooms, administrative hearings and arbitration proceedings often prompts our opponents to reach the most favorable settlement for our clients in mediation.
Mediation is the primary nonbinding process for dispute resolution in which opposing parties attempt to resolve a matter of contention themselves by utilizing the assistance of a neutral mediator. This eliminates the need to rely on a third party, such as a judge or jury, to decide the controversy for them.
In mediation, our lawyers skillfully tailor the presentation of a client’s case and settlement position to maximize the opportunity for a favorable outcome for our client. Equally important, our lawyers know that timing is crucial and carefully identify when to mediate in order to successfully obtain a desirable mediated settlement.
Mediation is also a dynamic process, and our lawyers understand that engaging in effective mediation is an art. In many cases, both parties go into mediation believing that a solution by mediation is impossible. Our lawyers are well trained and well prepared, enhancing their abilities to make the most of the dynamics of every case.
Our Partner Mr. Anwar Kashif Mumtaz is a Senior Master Mediator and Master Trainer and is currently the President of Pakistan Mediators Association (PMA).