Syed Sheheryar Raza Zaidi
Legal Associate

- +92 (021) 3531-3582-6, Ext. 217
Contact Details:
Overview and Experience
Syed Sheheryar Raza Zaidi has experience working on contentious and non-contentious matters with a strong focus on litigation and dispute resolution. Mr. Sheheryar exclusively assists the Partners in and is involved with the firm in litigation and corporate advisory capacity most notably in the information technology, media, aviation, automobile, oil and gas, human resource development, foreign exchange and insurance industries.
During the course of his employment, Mr. Sheheryar has developed a diverse understanding of constitutional, terror financing and civil law matters from his experience working closely with the leading Partner of the firm, Mr. Justice (Retd.) Muhammad Ather Saeed, former judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan.
Mr. Sheheryar, currently an Advocate of the Sub Ordinate Courts of Pakistan, is representing a number of clients before the lower courts of Pakistan primarily in Karachi. He has been involved in and worked closely on various arbitrations throughout Pakistan.
Mr. Sheheryar, who commenced legal practice in 2017 having completed his LLB (Hons) from the University of London, has been involved with an array of legal and regulatory affairs including substantive review of State Bank of Pakistan’s laws and regulations, FATF laws stemming from his advisory responsibilities to foreign exchange companies.
Mr. Sheheryar has assisted the Partners on various transactions including but not limited to mergers, acquisitions and de mergers, tax matters and intercontinental tri party transactions. He has also assisted the Partners in commercial arbitration matters for the firm.
In addition, he is routinely sought for regulatory compliance, employment related advice and vetting and drafting of agreements and legal notices by an array of national and international clients.
Bachelor of Law (L.L.B. Honors), University of London, 2017
Certified and Accredited Mediator, Institute for Strategic Conflict Resolution & Development (ISCRD)